Rhonda's Spicy Mango Chutney

Question Answer
Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and a HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each?

XML site maps are used to help search crawlers navigate the website and HTML site maps guides users through the store pages

benefits of using XML sitemap are as followed

  1. avoids content duplication issues
  2. faster pages indexation
  3. helps better website crawlability

benefits of using HTML sitemap are as followed

  1. assists internal linking opportunities
  2. helps better website navigation
  3. improves crawling start point

disadvantages of XML sitemap

  1. xml site map recommends urls for the search engine to crawl and index but there is no guarantee that searh engine will index
  2. search engines wont necessarily rank a url if they on,y come across it.the url in sitemaps don't usually pass link authority

disadvantages of HTML sitemap

  1. the primary site navigation doesn't link to all new pages of yhe website .few sections of site remain inaccessibe to the search engine
  2. html sitemaps are primarily helpful for large websites. thy arent ideal for a website that doesn't post much and has few pages.
Evaluate three IDE's (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words include how it would suit an entry level trainee code developer?

AN IDE's is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to the computer progammers for software development .an ide normally consists of at least a source code editor,build automation tools and a debugger.these three environments can be accessed through a single graphical user interface.

the user writes and edits source code in the code editor .the compiler translates the source code into a readable language that is executable for a computer.and the debugger tests the software to solve any issues or bugs. the ide specializes in one language or a set of similar languages.some famous ides and their languages include jbuilder for java, c ,c++ and microsofts visual studio for its visual basic and c family of languages.

Advantages of using An IDE

  1. the etire purpose of an ide is to make developing faster and easier .its toolsand features aresupposed tohelp to organise sources,prevent misatkes and provide shortcuts.
  2. simply by working in the same development environment a group og programmers will adher to a standard wayof doing things.standards can be further enforced if the ide offers predefined templates or if code libraries are shared between different team meembers working on the same project.
  3. this can be twofold.first many ides have documentation tools that either automate the entry of developer comments or may actuallyforce developers to write comments in different areas.second simply by having visual presentationof resources it should be a lot easier to know how an application is laid out as opposed to traversing the file system for arcane files in the file system.

disadvatages of using An Ide:

  1. ide's are comlicated tools maximising theirbenefit will require time and patience
  2. if you throw the learning curve of an ide on top of learning how to program it can be quite frustrating.further features and shortcutsfor experience programmers often hide crucial but mundane details of a language details shouldnot be over looked when learning a new language.using the ide may hamper the learning of a new language
  3. will not fix bad code ,practice or design : you still need to be proficient and meticulous.
Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards?

Before the web browsers we knew today there were the first browsers which are no longer in use or have highly evolved.

  1. In 1990 the worldwideweb was the first browser ever created by W3C Director Tim Berners -Lee, then renamed Nexus to differentiate from the actual World Wide Web.
  2. In 1992 Lynx was a texted-based browser that couldn't display any graphic content
  3. In 1993 Mosaic was the first browser to allow images embedded in text making it the worlds first most popular browser
  4. In 1994 a noticeable improvement to Mosaic came Netscape Navigation
  5. In 1995 Internet Explorer made its debut as Microsofts first web browser
  6. In 1996 opera started as a research project in 1994 that finally went public two years later.This was also arguably the beginning of the browser wars mainly between IE3and navigator 3 as Internet Explorer inched a head with new capabilities
  7. In 2003 Apples first safari browser was released specifically for Macintosh computers instead of navigators
  8. In 2004 Mozilla launched firefox as NetscapeNavigator fdede out
  9. In 2007 Mobile Safari was introduced as Apples mobile web browser and continues to dominate the IOS market
  10. In 2008 Google Chrome appeared to soon take over the browser market
  11. In 2011 Opera Mini was released to focus on the fast growing mobile browser market
  12. In 2015 Microsoft Edge was bon to combat Google

Browser Wars have been happening since the Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator went up against each other to be best in classbrowser on the 90 s.Netscape had previously been leading the market but with therelease of Internet Explorer 3,Microsoft took the lead .Since it was automatically included in the web OS, it became the standard for many desktop users.

The same situation when safari came to be in 2003.Where as Macintosh users were previously on IE or Navigator ,safari being pre installed in Apples OS mean that it gained control of that desktop market.When Firefox was introduced in 2004 it saw a rapid poularity for few years.That is until google chrome was released In 2008 and quickly fought to be the favored browser.

Due to the increase In Mobile use and different mobile browsersas well as introduction of HTML5 and CSS3.This all contributes to the browser wars between Internet Explorer ,Safari ,Firefox,Chrome ,Opera and recently Edge to be the preffered browser for worldwide web.

Competition comes in for frequent browser updates and version releases for the browser speeds ,security ,features and design .This lead to most people avoid developing Internet Explorer since its known to be problamatic.

Today chrome still rules desktop browserswhile safari owns the mobile browsing market.However there is no defined winner.The browser wars are still going strong and fragmentation is more relevant issue.

Issues encounteed during web devlopment include

  1. Different platforms and browsers-the biggest challenge was growing number of platforms that websites are expected to work on and their accuracynad speed.
  2. user experience -Web developers must ensure that they have developed easy to use special features
  3. Security -Increase in security threats to the developer was the biggest challenge during the development as it is important to keep project safe.
  4. Speed -speed was key point during the development as users were expecting much faster browsing.
  5. Web developers have tried their hardest to create a website that loads fast and extremely high speed without having sacrifice the special features that they need to include.
What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality?

There are 6 website testing methodologies

  1. Fuctnctional testing:
    • It will determine the data input and entry.
    • Tests case executioin.
    • Functions need to be properly identified because the software runs effectively through the integration of functions
    • Actual results must be analysed
  2. testing:

    This testing type focuses on how users experiences while using a particular web application.Efforts are put in to ensure that the application is built in line with user needs .This testing methods makes it a point to see that a user is able to easily navigate through the various functiions of an application.

  3. Interface testing:

    This testing method ensures 3 main components of a web application which are web server web browser and database are running harmoniously .this checks whether there is any interruption while data is transferred

  4. compatability testing:

    This testing ensures that web application is compatible with all browsers .compatability testing takes place in 3 levels which are browser compatibility ,operating system compatibility and device compatibility.

  5. performance testing:

    Web applications tested how better it can perform under the stress ,load ,different speeds ,networks.stress testing is one form of testing used to determine what amount of stress web application can go through until it ceases function.also how an application performs when it Is running through different hardware configuratinsand what are the mechanisms that needs to bestrtegized in order to prevent the application from crashing.

  6. Security testing:

    When an application is being buillt there is lot of data being used and stored .Some of this data can be sensitive and needs to be protected at any cost ,failure of which can cause a lot of technical issues for a application to function properly .In order to secure these types of mission critical data security testing is implemented.

What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?

The web content Accessibility guidelines standards are stable and referenceable .WCAG is for those who want technical standard.

The WCAG standards have 12-13 guidelines .The guidelines are organized under four principles :perceivable ,operable,understandable and robust.

How do you think it's best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website?

Project Folder:This is also called as root folder. This is the main folder for the document and contains ALL other files and folders.On the WEB its called the root folder.HTML files , CSS Folder, Images Folder, JavaScript Folder these are the list of folders.Except for Root folder all files and foders should be a lower case and have no spaces in the name and start with a letter or number and not a special character.