Rhonda's Spicy Mango Chutney

Rhonda's Mango Chutney

Rich in Vitamins: Dry fruit mango chutney has an abundance of Vitamin A. This vitamin is very useful for healthy vision and a strong immune system. As such, consuming this chutney will help in improving eyesight, and treat various eye disorders like glaucoma and cataract.

Golden, full of flavour and beautifully sweet and spiced with ginger, cinnamon and turmeric. This chutney is perfect with cheese and biscuits, pizzas, cold meats, burgers and curries. Added to pretty jars with labels, it also makes a lovely, personalised gift.

A fresh and light chutney with mangoes, coconut and cayenne chilli for a little kick. It’s fantastic chilled from the fridge straight onto salads and vegetable dishes, warmed and served like a salsa with fish, or used in any traditional chutney style.

Rhondas Spicy Mango Chutney